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Monday, February 28, 2005
Soap Opera Midterm![]() It's midterm time! My first midterm of the semester! Hopefully the last one till after Spring break (I'm still talking to a proffessor about rescheduling one other one... so that I don't take it the day before I go to Reno.) Anyways, I took it. 30% is IDs (identiying text terms) 30% is a short essay question (usually on the assigned readings) and 40% is a long essay (on the soaps we watched and discussed in class) So I know I got at least 27/30 of the IDs right. I bombed the short essay part!! I wrote a bunch of crap down... I would be amazed if I actually hit something right on that question! Then I should of aced the long essay portion... If not, I'm raising hell! That would be a total of 67. I'm hoping he'll throw me a few points for trying the short essay part! I'm kicking myself!! I actually read. I just don't remember the part mentioned in the question! ugh... I hope I pass! stupid class. | Sunday, February 27, 2005
fun night!So after all the hectic, unorganized planning... I actually had a fun Saturday night!We rented some movies and played video games! Well, I played Mario Tennis... the only video game I ever play... heh. Did I mention that there were booze?! oh yeah... it makes a party complete. We watched Saw... I liked it! It was like a suspence driven horror movie... WITH CRAZY SITUATIONS! oh yeah! crazy, twisted situations having us question our own morals and limits. muhaha! The other movie (which I watched the next day) was Supersize Me. ugh... what a downer. Yeah, we get it.. McDonalds is a money-driven company that is literally killing people with their advertisement of junk food.... but where's the entertainment value of it all? Yeah, there's a gross out/ aww, I'm going to die factor in it... but can't they give it a fun twist... Saw did! Hello! You even said in the movie, Healthy foods advertise like 2 million a year... and all Supersize has it a bald guy wearing the US flag as a speedo.... I can recall a scene in the Saw movie, where the killer guy uses a stethoscope to measure how a young girls heart rate differs when he points a gun at her versus her mom. Now that's entertainment [i]with[/i] real-life situations!!! | Friday, February 25, 2005
new bannerwhatcha think? Does it go well with the rest of the blog setup? I'm torn. Gimme some feedback, peeps.| Thursday, February 24, 2005
American IdolOkay, so as you must know I'm obsessed with AI again. This season is going to be fun! They split up the girls and guys... woot!Anyways, they voted off 2 guys and 2 girls so far.... Here's a pic on them all... I will be commenting on them so refer to the list of names! heh. Click here for the pics I don't really hate any of them with a passion yet... maybe Anthony cause he reminds me of Clay from the 2nd season... ugh.. he sucks! | Monday, February 21, 2005
internet back!Well, I got the internet back...don't tell me how I did it... let's just say there's alot of satisfied unskilled people in the ITS Help Desk. meh. That was way funnier in my head. | Tuesday, February 15, 2005
YCTSo I'm on the list serve to this Hispanic group on campus and I got this distrubing email.
ugh, stupid conservatives... and if you're a YCT and reading this blog... death to your corn! | Sunday, February 13, 2005
eric... poor eric.So right now we're watching a movie that Eric picked out...Waking Ned Divine Please...everyone... DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE! You WILL be tramatized!! I only watched like half of it and I'll never be the same ever! Poor Emily and Becky are still in there... watching... getting more and more psychologically distrurbed. | Thursday, February 10, 2005
thingyI got this from Katie's Blog. repeat!A - Accent: nope, Dallas peoples don't have them! Everyother city does!! B - Boxers or Briefs? mostly briefs or boxer-briefs. C - Class you hate: Culture of Pacific Island Peoples... it's boring!!! ugh. D - Dad's name: Frank, the greatest name ever! E - Eggs Made How? over easy/ sunnyside up/ (there's a way I used to say it in Spanish but I have no idea how to spell it!) F - Favorite Football Team: SMU Mustangs & the Rebels! My lil' brother's football team... he's the quarterback! G - Gambling Preference: none. But I'll have one when I go to RENO soon!! Oh yeah! H - Hometown: Dallas, TX. I - Insomnia: I sleep eventually... but my roommate goes to sleep early... what a dork! J - Job Title: student, slacker. K - Kids: none. I do want some! A boy (Frank, naturally) and a girl (Vanessa or Jessica). L - Living Arrangements: Shuttles. ugh. M - Mom's Birthplace: Dallas, TX. N - Number of Pets You've Had: a million. O - Overnight Hospital Stays: none overnight. P - Phobia: fear itself... not really, I'm not really scared of anything. I used to be scared of sharks in the deep end of the pool! Q - Quiet moment: when someone asks me any question. R - Religious Affiliation: on the fence, probably Agnostic. S - Siblings: Ramon (21), Christina (19), Johnathan (13), Michelle (10), Samantha(7), Jane (6), Jathan (5). I could be wrong of the ages... there's like a million!! T - Time you wake up: lately it's been 12 or 1ish... no class till 2pm is heaven! U - Ultra-hottie you want to do: Don't get me in trouble!!! Emily or course! V - Vegetable You Refuse To Eat: cooked spinach... uncooked... it's awesome! W - Wayne or Garth? Garth! shhhyeeah! X - X-Rays You've Had: gall bladder! Hurt like hell!!! Y - Yummy Foods: Mmmm, nachos! Z - Zodiac Sign: Virgo | Tuesday, February 08, 2005
ITS Help DeskThey are officially on my hit list along with Gateway computers.argh. 1) They didn't know how to use a keyboard and mouse with my computer. I had to bring them mine... (which are regular standard keyboard & mouse) 2) They couldn't start Windows. They told me to reinstall Windows. 3) When I took the computer home, I started Windows up with ease (without reinstalling Windows). They must of forgot to press to "POWER" button. 4) I called and voiced my concern. They (meaning the secretary) told me I had all these viruses like "very deep" in my computer. 5) I'm confused. And a bit worried that they changed their opinion about my computer in the span of 10 minutes. And without actually having my computer in their possession at the time. I hate them. death to their crops! | Sunday, February 06, 2005
SuperBowl Partyheh.The best Super Bowl parties are parties where you gather to watch the superbowl--then rent a movie instead! Monica hosted a cool shindig at her house. We watched IRobot. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Actually entertaining. Then we saw The Hot Chick! It was either that or the Princess Diaries 2!! I think we made the right choice. | Wednesday, February 02, 2005
ughSo my computer is still non-functional... and Emily let me borrow her old computer, but I still need to get an ethernet card for it. So till then I'm using random computers for the internet. heh.Here are some things just for an update on me! woot. 1) just as an icebreaker for me... here's Megan!! ![]() heh. 2) Emily's mom is evil! So I made her this card for her bday... and she basically told me I was mentally challenged. ugh. I've decided to not care... and if and when I do care, I'll just find fun and entertaining ways to piss her off. any ideas? comment. 3) Emily's has this infection or whatever... so I probably have it too... ugh, I remember saying that I didn't care if I got sick, but I didn't want what she has. I do think I have it. oh well. 4) Dropped Spanish... meh. 5) Not having internet sucks. I think I'm going to beg my mom for some cash for an ethernet card. But if one of you guys has an extra one lying around, I'd be very appreciative... 6) Okay, so the last couple of days I've been hearing more about "the pill" than I've ever heard from the most random people!! Apparently people take it for more reasons that the main one. 7) My mom has been nice to me recently... I'm confused. I think it's cause my brother and sister are gone now, so I'm like the closest offspring... heh. 8) (On AIM) emily: it was awkward talking about kissing infront of my mom. emily: and she told me that she doesn't hate you and that she prays for you every morning. AHH! just thought I would cut/paste that... it just happened like now. AHH! Emily gave me email to this woman! 9) American Idol has started up again... I gots the fever. 10) ugh... I need a good party! it's been a while. I'm actually considering going to Sig Ep parties now... I know alot of people there... including my new roomie, Aubrey. Anyways, Superbowl sunday is upon us... I think Monica is hosting a little shindig... it should tie me over till next week. Well, that's most of it... I'll try to blog more! Without the internet it's hard to do as much as I usually do. Chao. | |
=about me= ![]() Welcome to Frank's blog-- egocentrically yours! I'm a college graduate from Dallas, Texas. Get some insight on frank. Learn the frank. Know the frank. Apply the frank to real-life situations. Praise the frank. =the good stuff= ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() =previous posts=
little update
hehe. from Apple to Microsoft woot lastest crush the new job search oh yeah posting... as promised Uncle Frank! MRI drama =archives=
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