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Thursday, January 20, 2005
2-0 (Virus over Frank)Oh my, the virus won!I have to reboot my computer again! Yep, this happened before. I was like 15 and a virus destroyed my computer!! I was devestated. ugh... I thought I gotten over it but no! Anyways, I have to find other ways on entertaining myself. BESIDES the internet! I know!! It's not easy. And oddly enough TV alone doesn't satisfy my entertainment needs! I usually enjoy TV more when I have TVguide.com telling me about what's on and (more importantly) what's good. sigh. Without internet and TV, I'm forced to be productive academically!! I'm reading and studying... (ugh, did I mention I don't like my Spanish class anymore. It's not like I don't like the subject or whatever, I hate the fact that I have to study/prepare for the class... It's EVERYDAY!!) And oh!! Today, I came back to my dorm to find that all my roomies are going out.. they try to convince me. And I actually considered it. Usually I would have no problem blowing them off. It was easy. I could rationalize something more important to do like TV or blogging, but I didn't have those excuses anymore... (and they made me do a "shotgun" so I was feeling very sociable at the time.) But to my surprise I remembered I had a 9am class IN SPANISH tommorrow. sigh. I totally would of went otherwise... No Internet and No TV makes Frank a bored boy. anyways, I'm on my roommate's computer.... hopefully rebooting my computer tommorrow night will fix it... if not I have a plan B!! woot! Let's just say I'll have another reason to suck up to Emily's mom.... sigh. Frank out. | Tuesday, January 18, 2005
ughFrank has a virus!AHHH! I hope this PC-cillin works, cause if it doesn't I'm screwed! Full report later! stay tuned! | Sunday, January 16, 2005
Way to scratch old wounds DC!The Daily Campus (school paper) wrote an article about us not going to march in the Augurial Parade...here. grrr. | Friday, January 14, 2005
Tuesday/ Thursday classes.These are my other classes, as promised.
Well there you go... my classes... and yes! I do have Spanish everyday!! I'll be fluent in no time... riiight. Hola, yo mi llamo Frank. ?Como se llamas? encantado!! iguamente! ?De donde eres? Soy es Dallas, y ustes? that's all I got besides the alphabet. | Thursday, January 13, 2005
Boisterous DaySMU gets a threat and classes continue...
| Tuesday, January 11, 2005
bballOoh! Today I played basketball! Lemme tell you guys about it.So some peeps planned an awesome basketball get together and since I was bored so I went. First things first, the basketball courts on campus were closed! When is Dedman ever closed?! Students pay all this money to go to this school--It should be open at all times! It can be 4am and if I feel the urge to shoot a little bball, swing some rackets, or get my badminton on, the stupid Dedman Center should be open!! Anyways, we opted for the middle school. PS- I totally forgot that middle schools do have afterschool programs! There were like a million kids there... all around... running the track, throwing footballs, and videotapping their skateboard skillz. seriously! So did I mention that no one brought a basketball? The one key ingredient! So it took like almost an hour for someone to get one. We just sat there playing with a tennis ball that was in Paul's car. Luckily it we created the image that we were actually going something so the little AV skateboarders were forced to go elsewhere. When the basketball was brought we were all excited... we were finally going to play! Then someone came up with the idea that we should choose team captains by a freethrow contest. Bad Idea! We went around three times till I, oddly enough made a basket. I was the premiere captain. So we decided to make Jeremy the second cause no one was making anything. ugh. We're so great right? Anyways, my team was Kent, Katie and Emily. I had the only two girls. Jeremy had Jason Farmer and Paul. So long story short, they won 10-7. Did I mention Emily made 5 baskets and I made 2? We were the top scorers on the team. Probably cause we mostly stood by the hoop and waited for people to shoot bricks. I thought it was a good strategy. Well, we have another fun get together tommorrow after band... I think I'll participate again. Goodtimes. |
Emily's BlogSee Emily's newly redesigned blog....made by me! http://ilovestew.blogspot.com/ | Monday, January 10, 2005
10 things you probably didn't know about me.01. I think I'm finally over my crush on Tom Welling. I still like the show though. 02. My dad owes a Mexican restaurant called Las Cazuelas in Harlingen, Texas. 03. My mother works at some aviation insurance company called U.S. Specialty. 04. Worst long term fear is that all my hardwork in life would lead to nothing. 05. I have 7 siblings-- Ramon(21), Christina(18), Johnathan(13), Michelle(11), Samantha(7), Jane(6), Jathan(5). 06. There is a 13 year difference between my mom and her new husband. He's younger! 07. Dad was the quaterback & homecoming king, mom was a drill team member. High school sweethearts. 08. I am the more comfortable with my self now than any other time in my life. (school's paid, awesome gf, and I'm so much more confident that ever. What else is there?) 09. I want to make a family of my own. I got the paternal urge for the first time since kindergarden. 10. I can honestly say that I have no idea where I'm going to be (physically, mentally/ emotionally) one year from now. I got this from another blog. heh. Post the list on your blog! or comment it. |
time for a new banner?Some people have been complaining about the yellow. darn them! anyways, since my internet was not working all day (thanks SMU!) I made another one. Whatcha think?new frank banner | Sunday, January 09, 2005
Movie OuttingI went to see White Noise tonight. I enjoyed it surprisingly. It was just scary enough. And by scary I mean entertaining. Movies today aren't scary at all! What's with all these PG-13 movies?! Back when I was younger a scary movie was rated R and deemed unworthy if any less. I'm blame capitalism! I'd imagine that the dialouge with the film guys and capitalist whores would go like this.Artisty Film Guys: We need to make an awesome scary movie! ... AH! so many ideas! I should be about death and carnage... Capitalist Pigs: hmmm, death and carnage?... that doesn't sound like something the people of America would go for. Artisty Film Guys: How so?! People have been going to these kinds of movies for years and years! They would love more! .... oh! A movie about EVP--Electronic Voice Phenonmenon! You know... about people who get messages for the dead and they like record it!! It'd be great! Capitalist Pigs: Hmmm, does it have to be from the dead? Can it be from like... Lindsay Lohan? She so hot right now! Artisty Film Guys: huh?... who?... the barely legal chick with the boob job?! Capitalist Pigs: ::taps nose:: Artisty Film Guys: uh... well, maybe we can just not have any blood, gore, or... like awesomeness in the movie.... and put a small child in the mix like that Haley Joel Osment or David Dorfman. Capitalist Pigs: that'll work.... OH! and you can squeeze in Sony, our sponsor!
PS- the ending was cheesy... thanks alot pigs! but I do have the sudden urge to buy video equipment. touché. | Friday, January 07, 2005
new icon thingys.new blog links on the right! you like? If you want your blog link pimped out in my links section, give me a holla.|
bad hair dayugh. I have bad hair today. Today's gonna suck! So... should I wear a hat?Frank w/bad hair! | Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Britney's Back?!Wasn't she on a break or something? Well anyways, she has a new song out. Mona Lisa. You have to hear this one before you comment. It's a little Gwen Stefani, and we all know that Gwen sucks! I don't know though, Mona Lisa is kinda growing on me after the 5th listen.you be the jugde... Britney Spears - Mona Lisa (right-click, save as!) | Sunday, January 02, 2005
Product DemographicsMy lil' sister moved back to the Valley the other day and she left a few things behind. And I've decided that this whole "product placement" thing is getting completely out of control! I looked on a strangely colored bottle of shampoo called Bed Head. So this is what all the young cool kids use right? So by chance I read the label. It is only sold at professional salons. I was impressed. Anways, I turned the bottle around read on.Actual first sentences on the back of a bottle of Bed Head shampoo. With capitalizations! And in FIVE languages!
why. First of all, five languages?! Oh my! I never realized a shampoo could rock in one culture, but for it to cross the language barrier and rock French, Spanish, Italian, and German(?) speaking societies aswell!! This shampoo must really rock. Man, I bet a bunch of 37 year old men made this up. Do the kids really use this lingo? Does anyone refer to their hair/anything as "gunk?" I thought that was like the term people use for things found in a sewer or something. "Get whacked?" ugh. I guess dying via old mobsters is a kinda thing you'd need a sense of humor for. But the warning needs to be on the front of the bottle cause a warning like that is exactly the qualities everyone wants to have in their hair care products. Perhaps people who use this product suffer from brain damage... These people try too hard. Do they honestly think that 14 year old consumers are going to go into salons, buy a $30+ bottle of shampoo and think "OMFG! This shampoo rocks so hard, I must purchase it! I just have to go outside to the minivan and tell my mom to give me more money!"..? Then again... it is in my restroom! My sister is an enabler!! Off topic: w.bloggar rocks and is funky... heh. | Saturday, January 01, 2005
a Happy start to a New YearDevon's New Years Party was good. good food. good drink. pic time!Jami getting her party on Devon and Jackie featuring bubbles shocked Jason. Jackie celebrating Jason celebrating stroke of midnight!!! clueless Jami Mark proposing? Devon and Jason... take 11! girl-on-girl action where's sean? me and em! megan with her camera sensitive eyes! 3-man! original Mark and Megan pic Frank's Photoshopped "Mark and Megan" pic! you're welcome! | |
=about me= ![]() Welcome to Frank's blog-- egocentrically yours! I'm a college graduate from Dallas, Texas. Get some insight on frank. Learn the frank. Know the frank. Apply the frank to real-life situations. Praise the frank. =the good stuff= ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() =previous posts=
little update
hehe. from Apple to Microsoft woot lastest crush the new job search oh yeah posting... as promised Uncle Frank! MRI drama =archives=
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